OHF Bulletin 24-001 - Ontario Dressing Room Policy

The three Hockey Canada Members in Ontario - Hockey Eastern Ontario (HEO), Hockey Northwestern Ontario (HNO), the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF), have had a dressing room policy since 2009 and updated in 2016. Both policies were created in conjunction with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. In 2023, Hockey Canada passed a new Dressing Room Policy that was not in complete agreement with the Ontario Dressing Room Policy.
Hockey Canada and the three Ontario Members have worked together to draft a new policy that meets both the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal requirements and satisfies the new Hockey Canada Dressing Room Policy. The new Ontario Dressing Room Policy applies to Minor Hockey Associations at both recreational and competitive programming. It does not apply to Junior Hockey.
On February 1, 2024, the new hybrid policy will be in place and is another step towards creating welcoming and inclusive spaces for all players, while enhancing the safety of Minor Hockey participants through proper supervision and minimum clothing expectations.
The Ontario Hockey Federation wants to give you the opportunity to hear the steps and process required for the policy to take into effect on February 1, 2024. This education session is open to all OHF Members and their Associations.
Please forward to your Associations to register at the link below:
January 8, 2024, 6:00pm – All Association Call Registration
The updated policy can be found at the following link: