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NOHA Game Rules - 2020-2021 Season

The NOHA, as a Member of the Ontario Hockey Federation, are following the Stages as outlined under the OHF Return to Play Framework, which includes an emphasis on safety. The safety of our participants is our number one priority.

We are fortunate that we are in a position to be able to play games during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  All sports who wished to provide programming were required by the Provincial Government to modify the rules to limit physical contact.  While we hope to be able to return to traditional program when it is safe to do so, we will comply with the directives of the Provincial Government and will continue to participate in discussions with the OHF to ensure that we are doing so in a safe and cautious manner.

Please see below the official NOHA rules for game play for the 2020-2021 season under the current Stage:

For more Return to Play resources, please visit the Return to Hockey page.

If you have any questions, please contact Adam Morell at

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Northern Ontario Hockey Association

110 Lakeshore Drive

North Bay, Ontario

P1A 2A8


Tel: +1 (705) 474-8851

Fax: +1 (705) 474-6019

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