NOHA FREE Timekeeper Clinics

The NOHA is pleased to announce three FREE Timekeeper clinics this fall. There will be two introductory sessions and one advanced session.
We are fortunate to have Randy Pascal of Sudbury present his experience and knowledge to NOHA Timekeepers. Randy is recognized as one of the best hockey scorekeepers in the world. He has now been invited to work three sets of Winter Olympic Games (Vancouver—2010; Pyeongchang—2018; Beijing—2022), with a highlight of having been named to work the Sidney Crosby Golden Goal game more than a decade ago.
Introductory Timekeeping Clinic
This clinic includes:
· general overview of the role and responsibilities of a timekeeper/scorekeeper;
· general info regarding the operation of the clock; they all differ a little,
· the process that should take place when the official reports a goal or penalty
· go over the Game Sheet tablet tutorial e)
· specific penalty situations - double minor is TWO separate minor penalties; how to handle coincidentals; basics of how to proceed with anything complicated (majors, misconducts, etc...);
· common errors
6:45 pm via ZOOM
6:45 pm via ZOOM
Advanced Timekeeping Clinic
This clinic includes:
· what makes a timekeeper/scorekeeper capable of being considered for more "advanced" games
· how to handle timeouts;
· what to do if the clock shows 0:00 but the buzzer has not yet sounded (yes, it will happen);
· how to run straight-time penalties;
· basics of MOTO and coincidentals ;
· what to do in the case of a brawl (albeit now very rare) - but even a more significant skirmish
· other interesting and useful tidbits
6:45 pm via ZOOM
A timekeeper’s responsibilities double as a scorekeeper and must ensure the game sheet accurately records what happened during the game, including marking down penalties, goals and assists.
Timekeepers are expected to act professionally. Showing up on time, being responsible, and paying attention are all important attributes.
Looking to get involved? Please get in touch with your local Minor Hockey Association(s) to see if they require additional timekeepers.
For more information, contact NOHA Officiating Program Co-ordinator Grant Love at