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Keeping Girls in Sport FREE Program Access

Keeping Girls in Sport was created to help everyone who coaches girls, even parents, understand how girls develop physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. When we understand how and why girls play we can help every young athlete stay in sport, reach their potential, and remain active long after the competitions end. Finally becoming the next generation of inspiring female coaches and role models.

In celebration of International Day of the Girl during the month of October - Canadian Tire Jumpstart, Canadian Women & Sport and Respect Group have partnered to offer registration for the Keeping Girls in Sport program for FREE.

Below are instructions to access the free registration:

Once on the payment page select ‘Enter Code – Use a Pre-Registration Code’

Pre-Registration code: KGIS-Q6P6D2D

This free access code is available until October 31, 2021

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Northern Ontario Hockey Association

110 Lakeshore Drive

North Bay, Ontario

P1A 2A8


Tel: +1 (705) 474-8851

Fax: +1 (705) 474-6019

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