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Coaching Development Opportunities - Virtual Instruction Stream Clinics

The NOHA is pleased to announce the details of three Hockey Canada – Instructional Stream Clinics to be held virtually.

Saturday, December 5, 2020 – 9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

Presented by: Matt Bourgeois, Hockey Canada Level 3 Goaltender “Trained” Instructor / NOHA Goaltender Development Lead

Cost: $40.00

Sunday, December 6, 2020 – 9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

Presented by: Sheldon Reasbeck, Hockey Canada Level 3 Skills “Trained” Instructor / Head Coach of Kapuskasing Flyers Under-18 AAA

Cost: $40.00

Saturday, December 19, 2020 – 9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

Presented by: Matt Bourgeois, Hockey Canada Level 3 Goaltender “Trained” Instructor / NOHA Goaltender Development Lead

Cost: $40.00

Pre-requisite: Goaltender Level 1

Please Note:

· Coaches who want to attend the Goaltender Level 2 Clinic, but do not have Goaltender Level 1 yet, may register for both clinics in the same transaction.

· However, confirmation of admittance into Goaltender Level 2 on December 19, 2020 will be contingent attending the Goaltender Level 1 Clinic on December 5, 2020.

In lieu of an on-ice session, coaches will be required to complete a post-task demonstrating knowledge and application of the concepts reviewed.

Upon completion of the post-tasks, registrants will receive these qualifications on their eHockey profile.

Each clinic is worth 5 professional development points towards their Development 1 “Certified” or High Performance 1 “Certified” status.

If you have any questions please contact NOHA Technical Director Andrew Corradini at


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