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NOHA Officials Re-certification Clinics

NOHA Officials Re-certification clinics are now available for registration on eHockey. See Clinic Dates Above.

It will once again be a two-step registration process that will require you to register and complete the online re-certification program and then register for an in-class clinic. If you have not completed the online re-certification program it will not allow you to register for an in-class clinic. Once you have passed and received your exam mark from the online re-certification program it will allow you to register for an in-class clinic.

Attached you will find an information package and an step by step registration guide.

Step One

Register for the online re-certification program (*Official – Re-cert clinic)

Step Two

Complete online re-certification program at

Step Three

Register for your in-class clinic (*Official clinic)

Step Four

Attend your in-class clinic

The eHockey system will not allow you to register without a valid record check submitted to the OHF. If you require a new record check you will have been notified. If you are unsure you can check through your eHockey account under the CRC tab. If you have any questions please contact Adam Morell at

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Northern Ontario Hockey Association

110 Lakeshore Drive

North Bay, Ontario

P1A 2A8


Tel: +1 (705) 474-8851

Fax: +1 (705) 474-6019

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