OHF Membership Feedback
The Ontario Hockey Federation is soliciting feedback and opinions pertaining to individual experiences relevant to the start of the 2021...

Re-Introducing the Team Rogers Community Draft: $150 Towards Minor Hockey Fees
The Team Rogers Community Draft is helping kids get more from the games they love. We’re making it possible by giving them exclusive...

Hockey Canada Maltreatment Rule Coaching Webinars
Hockey Canada has released a new Maltreatment Rule for the 2021-2022 season. Find the official press release HERE. You can also access...

Get 50% Off the Hockey Canada Network App
The Hockey Canada Network gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on your...

Coaching Opportunity: Empowering Stories from Behind the Bench
The Coaches Association of Ontario has announced a new storytelling webinar series featuring MLSE coaches from diverse and inclusive...

Register for the NHL/NHLPA First Shift Program
No equipment? No experience? No problem. For children between the ages of 6-10, the NHL/@NHLPA First Shift could be the hockey program...

Coaching Grant Opportunity
The Coaches Association of Ontario and Hydrio One have teamed up to provide a Coaching Grant Opportunity. Fill out the application HERE

Kruger Big Assist
Help is on the way for Canadian hockey families in need of financial relief! Kruger Products, proud maker of Cashmere, Purex, Scotties,...

Upcoming Opportunities - OHF Scholarship, Free Mental Health Coaching Clinic
The deadline to apply for the OHF Scholarship is May 14th, 2021. For more information and to apply, visit the OHF website HERE OHF...

GameSheet Scorekeeper Scholarship Program
GameSheet is proud to support those that help to make the game of hockey what it is. Scorekeepers spend tireless hours working in cold...