National WJC Team Coaching Webinars
Join the 2024 Hockey Canada National Junior Team Coaches for a webinar on their insights into minor hockey, player development and...

NOHA Christmas Skills Camps - Final Registration
After receiving such a great reception throughout the NOHA. Registration for NOHA Christmas Skills Camps have been extended until 9:00 AM...

Reminder – Registration closes this Friday! Camps in Sudbury and Temiskaming Shores Added
The NOHA is excited to announce we will be hosting several Christmas Skills Camps throughout Northern Ontario during the 2023 Holiday...

Applications are open for Hockey Canada/IIHF Try Hockey Programs
INTRODUCTION Hockey Canada’s mission is to ‘’Lead, Develop and Promote Positive Hockey Experiences’’. One of the objectives identified in...

NOHA Christmas Skills Camps
The NOHA is excited to announce we will be hosting several Christmas Skills Camps throughout Northern Ontario during the 2023 Holiday...

This Hockey Season, W.A.I.T. Before you Act to Keep Hockey Safe and Fun!
The NOHA has seen a dramatic increase in behaviours not conducive with good sportsmanship during and after game play. Far too often, we...

Official of the Month Nominations Now Open
The NOHA is currently accepting nominations for Official of the Month. Officials nominated should be between the ages of 14-17 and have a...

Indigenous Hockey Equipment Drive
The Indigenous Hockey Equipment Drive will be taking place Saturday October 21st, between 09:00 am and 1:00 pm at the Northern Hockey...

Ontario Winter Games Team Staff Applications
The Northern Ontario Hockey Association is seeking applications for Team NOHA Staff for the 2024 Ontario Winter Games in Thunder Bay. The...

Hockey Canada Pathway to Coverage
What are Pathway to Hockey programs? Pathway to Hockey programs (commonly known as try hockey programs) are designed to provide fun, safe...