NOHA Development 1 Clinics - October
The NOHA has scheduled two additional Development 1 Clinics for the month of October.

Reminder: NOHA Tournament of Champions Host Applications due October 1
The NOHA Tournament of Champions Host Applications are due October 1.

National Coaches Week with Coach Mike McParland
For National Coaches Week, the NOHA sat down with Nipissing Lakers Coach Mike McParland to discuss his coaching journey.

Raise money for your hockey team easily this season with Purdys Chocolatier!
The NOHA is excited to offer a new fundraising opportunity for all NOHA Minor Hockey Associations with Purdys Chocolatier!

NOHA FREE Timekeeper Clinics
The NOHA is pleased to announce three FREE Timekeeper clinics this fall. There will be two introductory sessions and one advanced session.

Hockey Canada Pathway to Coverage
Hockey Canada is pleased to announce the return of the Pathway to Hockey Coverage for Local Hockey Associations that are looking to run thei

NOHA Annual General Meeting Minutes - 2023-2024
The NOHA Annual General Meeting Minutes from the 2023-2024 meeting have been posted.

Inaugural Ken Miller Memorial Award - Stacy Jackson, North Bay
The inaugural Ken Miller Memorial Award was given to Stacy Jackson of North Bay.

In Memoriam - Jim Lecappelain, North Bay
The NOHA is deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Jim Lecappelain of North Bay.

OHF Fall Registration and Screening Process Resources
The OHF has released a new Bulletin regarding Fall Registration and the Centralized Screening Process