2021 Ontario Coaching Report Card
If you are a coach - grassroots to high performance and everything in between - now is your opportunity to be heard! The Coaches...

Five Northern Players Selected in the 2021 OHL Priority Selection
The NOHA would like to congratulate the five Northern players selected in the 2021 OHL Priority Selection. Check out the full selection...

NHL Central Scouting Highlights Six Players from the North
NHL Central Scouting has chosen six players from the NOHA in their North American Rankings for the 2021 NHL Draft.

Jim Conners Memorial Award – Alain Quevillon, Timmins
The Jim Conners Memorial Award is presented to a young official within the NOHA who shows potential to be an asset to the officials’...

Keith Barton Memorial Award - Camille Venn, Sault Ste. Marie
The Keith Barton Memorial Award, named after Keith Barton, who was a longtime supporter of the Officiating Program, honours a young...

Most Deserving Official Award - Bob Dumond, Gore Bay
The Most Deserving Official has played a key role in the Officiating Program within their District; someone who would be sorely missed if...

Most Improved Official Award - Roch Gagnon, Sturgeon Falls
The Most Improved Official Award is presented to the Official who has shown the most improvement within their officiating calibre of...

Thank You from the NOHA
To all of our volunteers, it's been a hard season. Thank You for all you do to keep Minor Hockey going in the North.

NOHA Community - Alec Daviau, Kirkland Lake
The NOHA Community is filled with extraordinary people, including Kirkland Lake Coach Alec Daviau, who saved the life of a young girl who...

Ken Neeb Memorial Award - Rob Dearing, Gore Bay, Ontario
The Ken Neeb Memorial Award will be presented to those individuals, other than athletes, who have made an outstanding contribution to...